Beware of Backsliding

Hello Balanced Life Family,

We know that the Bible tells us that before our redemption we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We thank God for saving us and redeeming our souls from sin, but we must beware of backsliding. We have to work to continue this Christian life.

Because we’ve come out of a sinful nature, it’s easy to drift away from God and end up back in that sinful nature. Drifting away is subtle. At first, you hardly notice when you take a small step away from God. But, if you continue to take small steps, after a while you’ll become aware of how far you’ve drifted from God and yes, you’ll see that you’ve become a backslider.

Every day we have a choice to make regarding our walk with God. We can either move closer to him or we can move away from him. We have to follow the Bible’s instructions. It says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deut. 6:5 If you do this then you’ll choose to move closer.

Those who desire to move closer to God spend time with him. They worship God, keep up their prayer life, read and study the Bible, practice loving others, and strive to please God daily with their lives.

Those who wake up and find themselves in a backslidden state have simply little by little given up doing the things I’ve just stated. I don’t believe that any Christian just wakes up one day and says “I’ve decided I’m going to be a backslider. Yep, that’s what I’m going to do.” No! It happens gradually. Little steps of sin that lead you away from God.

The devil causes people to backslide. He hates that you’re saved. He hates that you’re on your way to heaven. He’s been there and he knows how wonderful it is and he knows he’ll never be able to go back. He doesn’t want you to go there either.

Hold fast to your walk with God. Don’t take those little steps away. We have work to do to continue this Christian life.


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