Clean Hands A Healthier You

Balanced Life Family,

Thank God for hands. Without them, there are so many things that you might not be able to do. You greet with a handshake. You cook, eat, pick up things, open doors, open this blog (well you did), and so much more.

You need to take care of your hands. It’s important to keep them clean. Keeping your hands clean is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions spread by failing to wash hands with soap and clean running water.

Always be sure to wash your hands thoroughly when you come into the house from outside, before eating, after using the toilet, changing a diaper, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, touching garbage, pets, raw chicken, or anything that might transfer germs.

Washing your hands with soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of germs on them in most situations. If soap and water are not available, you may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Seriously, hand-washing can be like a do-it-yourself vaccine. It provides protection for you. It includes five simple and effective steps: wet, lather, scrub, rinse and dry. It’s just that easy. So, wash your hands often and avoid spreading germs. It’s quick and simple and it can help keep you and others from getting sick. Hand-washing is a win for everyone, except the germs. Cleans hands make a healthier you.


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When Adversities Come

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

As sure as we live, we will be faced with adversities. There are so many different kinds. They come in the form of afflictions, bereavement, disappointments, failures, trials, tribulations, and the list goes on. It’s so important to know what to do when you’re faced with them.

Adversities challenge us. Without challenges, we’d never know about the amazing power of God. Think of adversity as God’s university because if you let him take you through, you’ll learn so much about him.

The scripture tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Since God is there to help, call on him. God’s hotline is always open to his children. He won’t reject your call. Yes, he’s managing the whole world, but he’s never too busy to help you.

Since we’ve committed our lives to God, he won’t let adversities destroy us, break us, or keep us down. “We are troubled on every side, but not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed;” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. God is a deliverer and he gives us victory every time.   

So, when adversities come know that you have help. God can do anything. He’ll hear your call because he has a listening ear and he’s full of mercy. He is omnipresent, which means he’s always there. He’s omnipotent, which means there’s no higher power. Just call him!

Sometimes he’ll remove adversity and sometimes he’ll give us strength to go through it, but he promises if we go through, he’ll be with us. He never goes back on his promise. God is faithful and he is our help. No, we can’t avoid adversities, but when they come, we have help from on high. 


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Put Some Fish on Your Dish

Hey Balanced Life Readers,

One Saturday, quite a while back, I went to a Chicago fish market on State Street. This was my first time going there, so I was totally surprised. What an experience! It was a small place, that was crowded with people. Old people, young people, angry people (I guess they were tired of waiting in line), passive people, but most of all noisy people.  As I entered, I had to take a number, but the noise level was so high that it was hard to hear when my number was called. I saw every kind of fish I could think of and some that I had never heard of or seen before.

People were buying fish like it was going out of style. Why? Well, I guess people just love eating fish, and it can be prepared in so many different ways. It’s so delicious and it’s good for you too. I love fish.

Experts have said that fish is the world’s best source of omega-3 fatty acids, and it has other health benefits too. Fish is loaded with important nutrients such as protein and vitamin D. They also say that fish may lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, increase gray matter in the brain (tissue in your brain that processes information, stores memories, and makes you human), helps prevent and treat depression, is linked to the reduction of type 1 diabetes, may help prevent asthma in children, may help protect your vision in old age, and it may help to improve your sleep. Whew! That’s a mouthful and quite an impressive list of benefits.

Some fish are healthier to eat than others. Some of the best fish are fatty fish such as salmon, lake trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, and tuna.

Fish can be an important element of a healthy meal, just remember not to deep fry it. Fish can be baked, pan-seared, or grilled. I don’t recommend frying your fish because grease is not your friend. It can clog your arteries, and you certainly don’t want that.

So, who says we have to wait until Friday to have fish? Work towards keeping your heart healthier any day of the week. PUT SOME FISH ON YOUR DISH!


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Hi Balanced Life Readers,

To those of you who drive a car, you know that on the road there are many distractions. When driving we have a destination that we want to get to however there are so many things that compete for our attention on the way there. People on the street, other vehicles, billboard signs, traffic signals, the radio, our cell phones, and perhaps kids in the back seat, have probably competed for our attention at some time or another.

On this Christian journey, we have a destination. We want to make it to our heavenly home, but there are so many distractions on the way. Satan and his demons work hard to distract us. The Bible tells us to “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.” Proverbs 4:25 That’s how we defeat distractions.

Satan tries everything he can to distract us from God’s ways and lead us into sin. The Bible tells us “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 Satan uses temptations. He knew us before we got saved. He knows what appeals to our flesh. He knows how we used to act in certain situations, and he’ll try to use these things against us. “But we know if God be for us who and be against us?” Romans 8:31

We also have to realize that all distractions aren’t evil. We get distracted by the busyness of life, problems in life, and even no-harm social events in life. What is important is that we are aware of these distractions, and not allow them to hinder our walk with God.

Never get too busy to read and study your Bible and develop an active prayer life. Don’t let the devil throw distractions in your way that will make you think that attending Sunday services and weekly Bible studies aren’t important. Don’t be distracted or influenced by the way the world defines a Christian. Worldly Christians can do whatever they want as long as they profess to believe in God. Instead, let the light of Christ shine out through your everyday life, and don’t let distractions cause you to miss your heavenly destination.


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Why Do I Always Feel Hungry?

Are you someone who seems to feel hungry all the time? Do you find yourself gazing into the refrigerator or the pantry just wondering what you can eat? Well, if you are there’s a reason for that.

One reason may be that you don’t eat enough protein and fiber-rich foods. Carbohydrates will provide quick energy, but protein and fiber help you sustain that energy. They fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied.

Some of you feel hungry because you do distracted eating. When you eat, you should sit down and pay attention to what you’re eating. Make it an enjoyable experience. You shouldn’t be staring at the TV, reading, or doing something on your phone. Distracted eating will cause you to finish your food and hardly remember eating it, which may cause you to soon crave more.

Then there are those who simply eat too fast. Slow down! Eating too fast makes you feel like the meal is over too soon, and then you want more. Did you know that it takes about twenty minutes for the brain to send out signals that the stomach is satisfied? Most people’s meals don’t even last that long!

There’s another group called the “Stress Eaters”. Stress Eaters aren’t eating because they’re hungry. They eat because they are upset, nervous, worried, excited, afraid, or because of some other emotional reason. All of these emotions cause stress and can cause you to eat when you aren’t really hungry.

Did you know that sleep plays a significant role in regulating hormones which can affect your eating habits? There is a hormone called ghrelin, (known as the “hunger hormone”) which stimulates the appetite and makes you feel hungry. When you don’t get enough sleep, elevated levels of ghrelin are released. This causes you to crave food, especially sugary foods.

So, you see, there are many reasons why some people always feel hungry. If you identify with any of these scenarios, I want you to know that it’s not just in your head. There is a reason for it and now maybe you know how to control it. If this doesn’t apply to you maybe you know someone who could benefit from this information. Please feel free to share.


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How Important is Honesty?

Dear Balance Life Family,

God wants us to be completely honest with him, ourselves, and others. Honesty is being truthful, fair, and having integrity. With these characteristics, you can be trusted. God wants to be able to trust us and people should be able to trust us.

When we declare ourselves as Christians, honesty is an expected characteristic. Being a Christian is being Christ-like and Christ never lied. He’s our example. He doesn’t expect us to do it alone. He’s there to help us with honesty every step of the way. He wants us to succeed. We were created to be victorious! “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

Being dishonest often comes from being prideful, greedy, selfish, full of lust, and other sinful desires. Oftentimes being dishonest seems like the easiest way out. But being dishonest is a sin. Whether it’s stealing, cheating, or lying, it’s all dishonest and it’s all sinful. Sin doesn’t go unpunished. You may get by for a while, but you won’t get away.

As Christians, we have a new life, a new nature. The sinful deeds we committed before we received salvation are no longer a part of our new life. The scripture says “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds: and have put on the new man”. Colossians 3:9 & 10.

Honesty is extremely important in the life of a Christian. Let’s practice being honest, and having integrity in every situation in life. Be sure that your honesty is helpful and constructive, not cruel and destructive. Think before you speak and abide by honesty.


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How Important is Posture?

Hey Balanced Life Family,

Did your mom, teacher, or anyone ever tell you to “Stand up straight”? That’s advice we’ve probably all heard at one time or another, and it’s good advice.

Your posture is the position your body takes when you’re standing, sitting, or lying down. Proper posture is when your body parts align the way that they should when using the right amount of muscle tension to support yourself.

Slouching isn’t just a bad habit. There can be a physical reason that contributes to slouching. Weak muscles can make it harder for you to position parts of your body correctly. The good news is that you can do exercises that strengthen your core to improve your posture.

When you stand up straight you look better. It should make you feel better too. But good posture does more than that. It’s important for long-term health. It can prevent pain, injuries, and other health problems. Good posture eliminates tired muscles and decreases wear and tear on the joints.

Just in case you’re wondering what good posture looks like, below is a description:

Stand up straight and tall

Keep your shoulders back

Pull your stomach in

Put your weight mostly on the balls of your feet

Keep your head level

Let your arms hang down naturally at your sides

Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart


You’ve probably heard that “Practice makes perfect”. So let’s be mindful to practice good posture because posture is very important. 

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Happy New Year Balanced Life Family!

When the New Year comes in a lot of people like to make resolutions. But oftentimes they are unable to remain committed to the resolution. God wants us to commit our lives to him. He is the giver and sustainer of life. He gives us free will to make choices, but he wants us to choose him. He wants us to commit our lives to him. The dictionary defines commitment as being dedicated. Being in a long-term relationship.

When we commit to making Jesus our choice, we must realize that this isn’t a temporary relationship. This is a long-term, life-changing, till-death-do-you-part relationship. God loved us before we committed to making him our choice, way before we knew about him, and even before he created the foundation of the world.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5 This scripture simply means if we commit and trust God, he will help us. God will help us because he doesn’t want us to fail.

Problems arise in life. Difficult circumstances occur. We are faced with disappointments. But if our lives are committed to God, he’ll give us the strength to make it and we’ll never give up this Christian journey and our commitment to God. We know that “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him:” Galatians 2:12

Yes, Christians suffer some hard things, but please understand the life of a committed Christian is not all suffering. God gives us many good times, many victories, joy abundantly, and a peaceful life. We know that whatever we are faced with we don’t face it alone. God is with us and he has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Hallelujah!

If you haven’t committed your life to God, what are you waiting for? He’s someone you can always depend on. He never fails because there’s nothing he can’t do. And that’s good news!

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Cutting Down on Sugar Intake

Hey Balanced Life Family,

I’ve always told you that sugar is not your friend, but you’ll find sugar in almost everything you eat. I’m going to share with you a few ways you can cut some of the sugar from your diet to help promote good health.

When you’re thirsty, skip the soda, sports drinks, and sweet teas. Try replacing those with fruit-infused water. You can make your own by adding slices of fresh fruit to a water picture. Give it a little time to marinade and reach for that to quench your thirst. It’s a healthy alternative.

When hunger strikes, it’s so easy to reach for a sweet treat. Why not try filling up on nutrient-filled foods? They’re high in vitamins, minerals, and good things for your body. I’m talking about fresh fruits, vegetables, cubes of cheese, and bits of lean meat. Don’t snack on packaged cookies, granola bars, potato chips, and snack crackers, they aren’t healthy choices.

Another way to reduce sugar in your diet is to cook from scratch. That way you can control the amount of sugar in your meal. There are so many recipes online that are low in sugar or have healthy sugar substitutes for you to choose from. I found one for banana nut muffins. It’s absolutely delicious! I’ll share it with you if you want it. Email me!

Finally, reading the label on your food products in the store is another way to reduce sugar in your diet. Almost all prepackaged foods contain added sugar, but if you read the label you’ll find that some brands contain more than others. Whenever it’s possible, choose the lowest-sugar option. You can find the amount of sugar in a serving by looking under the total carbohydrate heading on the nutrition facts label.

These are a few methods I use to cut some of the sugar from my diet. I hope you’ll find them to be helpful. Let’s continue working to promote good health.

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Greetings Balance Life Family,

So many of us find ourselves saying, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done”. Remember the Bible story of Mary and Martha. Maratha was busy working, while Mary sat and listened to what Jesus had to say. Jesus said, “Mary has chosen that good part” Luke 10:42

To have a good relationship with God and grow strong in the spirit, we must spend time with God. But somehow many of us get too busy. Being too busy can damage our relationships with God.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? You decide that tomorrow you’ll spend some quality time with God. You wake up the next day with so much to do. You have school or a job to go to, errands to run, meals to prepare, housework to get done, children and spouses to care for, meetings to attend and so many other things to do, and before you know it the day is gone.

By the time you finish everything you had to do that day you’re too tired to give God some quality time, too tired to read the Word, and too sleepy to pray.

All of those other things to do were important, but nothing is more important than your relationship with God. You must prioritize your time with God. Were it not for God, you wouldn’t be able to do all of those other things. When you put God first your entire day goes so much better. He prepares you for the day. He’ll be your guide. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

Yes, so many of us have busy schedules, but being busy is not an excuse you’ll be able to use at the judgment bar. No excuses will stand. Incorporate time for God in every day of your life. It’s time well spent and it will enhance your day. Never get too busy to spend time with God.


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Foods to Avoid When You're Feeling Depressed

Balanced Life Family,

If you’re not in a good mood and you’re feeling depressed, there are certain foods that you should avoid. These foods may actually make you feel worse.

When you’re feeling depressed, that container of ice cream in the freezer looks mighty tempting, but in reality, it’s a sugary snack and it may make you feel worse.  Sugar spikes your blood level which is followed by a crash that makes you feel tired, irritable, and finally depressed again.  

Avoid eating refined foods when you’re feeling depressed. You may feel like running to your nearest fast-food restaurant and grabbing a burger and fries to make you feel better, but studies have shown that people who consume lots of fast foods are more likely to have depression.

Some people feel that they can drown their sorrows in alcohol, but alcohol tends to make depression worse. Alcohol in all forms is a depressant that lowers the inhibition threshold in the brain. This might make you more confident and happier at first, but eventually, it disrupts the chemical balance in your brain even further and you start to feel sad, anxious, angry, and yep, still depressed.

Sugar-sweetened sodas are also on the list of depression foods to avoid not just because of the sugar they contain, but because they promote inflammation in the body. This inflammation negatively affects the brain’s ability to effectively function. This includes being able to cope with stress and depression. 

So, if you’re feeling a little down in the dumps and depressed, remember to be selective about what you decide to eat. It could cause you to feel even worse. Instead of a sugary snack or fast food, how about fresh fruits and veggies? Instead of alcohol or sodas, how about water with a twist of lemon, lime, or cucumber? Remember what you eat can affect your mood.


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Beware of Backsliding

Hello Balanced Life Family,

We know that the Bible tells us that before our redemption we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We thank God for saving us and redeeming our souls from sin, but we must beware of backsliding. We have to work to continue this Christian life.

Because we’ve come out of a sinful nature, it’s easy to drift away from God and end up back in that sinful nature. Drifting away is subtle. At first, you hardly notice when you take a small step away from God. But, if you continue to take small steps, after a while you’ll become aware of how far you’ve drifted from God and yes, you’ll see that you’ve become a backslider.

Every day we have a choice to make regarding our walk with God. We can either move closer to him or we can move away from him. We have to follow the Bible’s instructions. It says “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deut. 6:5 If you do this then you’ll choose to move closer.

Those who desire to move closer to God spend time with him. They worship God, keep up their prayer life, read and study the Bible, practice loving others, and strive to please God daily with their lives.

Those who wake up and find themselves in a backslidden state have simply little by little given up doing the things I’ve just stated. I don’t believe that any Christian just wakes up one day and says “I’ve decided I’m going to be a backslider. Yep, that’s what I’m going to do.” No! It happens gradually. Little steps of sin that lead you away from God.

The devil causes people to backslide. He hates that you’re saved. He hates that you’re on your way to heaven. He’s been there and he knows how wonderful it is and he knows he’ll never be able to go back. He doesn’t want you to go there either.

Hold fast to your walk with God. Don’t take those little steps away. We have work to do to continue this Christian life.


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How to Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Balanced Life Family,

When you look in the mirror have you noticed fine lines and wrinkles appearing lately? Do you wish you could reduce them? Well, you’re not alone. I may have just the help you need. As we age wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear, it’s a part of the aging process. But there are things we can do to help reduce their appearance.

If you’re a smoker, you’ll need to quit smoking. I know it’s easier said than done, but smoking causes premature aging of your skin. Tobacco contains chemicals that damage the cells of your skin. It usually isn’t easy to stop, but you can get help from your doctor or healthcare provider.

Add more antioxidants to your diet. Foods like berries, cherries, plums, pecans, red kidney beans, black beans, and oily fish with high omega-3 fatty acid content. These are only a few. Antioxidants protect your skin from free radicals, which can cause wrinkles and skin damage.

Remember to stay hydrated! Especially after exercising or doing hard work. Water is God’s gift to your thirst. If you don’t enjoy the taste of water spruce it up a bit with lemon, cucumber, or lime slices. Water helps maintain your skin’s elasticity.

Don’t forget to avoid excessive sun exposure. If you’re going to be in the sun for a while be sure to use sunscreen or a SPF moisturizer. According to Mayo Clinic, sun exposure is a major cause of wrinkles. Sun can cause sagging skin and under-eye bags. We certainly don’t want that.

It’s also important to get the proper amount of sleep. Your body needs time to repair itself. (Check out my blog on getting enough sleep.)

Ladies, you should apply a moisturizer before going to sleep at night and in the morning after washing your face. This will also help to reduce lines and wrinkles.

And finally, avoid as much stress as possible. Stress causes changes to the proteins in your skin and reduces its elasticity. This loss can contribute to wrinkle formation. Also, that “stressed out” look on your face can create lines and wrinkles.

So, let’s take good care of our skin and ourselves. And let’s try to look our best as we gracefully navigate through the aging process.  


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Godly Character

Balanced Life Family,

When people are talking about you (and they will talk), how do they describe you? I mean the real you. What would they say about your character? What kind of reputation do you have? When people speak truthfully about you, what they say is a good indication of your character.

People are watching those of us who say we are Christians. And no, we don’t have to pay them to watch us, they’ll watch us for free. Christian character is important. We are representatives of God and God is love. “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” 1 John 4:11 They should see a positive difference in the way we conduct ourselves.

I don’t mean just going to church on Sundays and maybe through the week. We have to be careful of how we treat people, the words that come out of our mouths, the activities in which we participate, and how we represent ourselves on social media.

The world is looking for an excuse to say that there’s nothing to Christianity. They’re looking for a reason not to come to Christ. Don’t give them one! They’ll say we’re just like them if we do the same things they do. We’ve got to let them see that there’s a difference. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Being a Christian isn’t only about being spiritual, you need to have moral excellence as well and that comes with a godly character. Singing, shouting, and praising God is all good, but if your reputation is bad and your character is ungodly all of that singing and shouting is in vain.

Let’s ask God to work on our character and make us more like Him. The world is watching. They need to see that there is a reality in serving God. The world is in darkness. Show them the light of Christ through your godly character.


Can Social Media Become Addictive?

Balanced Life Family,

Did you know that social media is addictive both physically and psychologically? When you are overly concerned about social media and have an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, that’s a problem. If you spend so much time and effort on social media that it hinders other important aspects of your life, you have an addiction.

It's safe to say that checking and scrolling through social media has become a very popular activity. Some people may even feel withdrawal symptoms when they don’t check social media platforms. This addiction is common among adolescents and young people. Although the majority of people who use social media don’t have this problem, there is a small percentage of users who become addicted.

Social media is designed in such a way that it activates feel-good chemicals in the brain. This was intentionally done according to an article from the Harvard Business Review. These neurochemicals like dopamine are triggered and can be deeply addictive just like addiction to recreational drugs and gambling.

Many people use social media with no problem, but there are those who become addicted. The good news is that this condition is very treatable and many have recovered from the addiction. Reducing screen time is a great solution, however, if the addiction is too severe professional help may be required.

Social media can be a very helpful and productive tool, just be sure that you don’t let it take over your life.


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Being Faithful

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

The scripture says “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Revelation 2:10 This tells us that God wants us to go with him all the way. We are to trust God continually and allow him to lead us throughout our life. We serve a God who is faithful to us. He never fails us and he wants us to be faithful to him.

Being faithful to God means that we are willing to obey his word to the best of our ability. We can’t pick and choose parts of the word that we want to obey and skip over the parts that go against our fleshly desires. God’s word wasn’t written to appease our flesh. It was written to enlighten us, nourish our spirit, and help us grow.

God won’t give us the reward of eternal life in heaven for beginning this faith walk and not completing it. It doesn’t matter if we’ve devoted 10, 15, 20 years, or more to our Christian journey, if we should be foolish enough to turn back, we miss the gift of eternal life.

There will be times when the devil will rear his ugly head and tempt us, but we are to remain faithful to God. If we resist the devil, he will flee from us. The scripture tells us “There hath no temptation taken hold of you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful; He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape…” 1 Cor. 10:13 So we have no excuse.

Being faithful to God is not something that is out of our reach. God would never have told us to do it if it were impossible to do. Remember he’s always there to help us and he created his people to be victorious. So, as we journey through life, let us be faithful to God and go with him all the way.

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Taking A Break

Dear Balanced Life Family,

Another 12 months have passed and summer has just about made its arrival.

I’ll be taking a break for the summer. As I said before part of staying healthy is knowing when to take a break. God doesn’t want us to be stressed out. I intend to resume posting 2 blogs monthly beginning in September. In the meantime, you can always visit my website at to read blogs that you may have missed or forgotten about. God has blessed my website and there’s a lot of information and inspiration there.

I’m going to enjoy my summer and I hope that you’ll do the same. I’ll see you in September 2023.

May God shower you with His blessings, surround you with His peace, and keep you by His power. Thank you for being a loyal reader.


Your Life Has Purpose

Dear Balanced Life Family,

There is a reason for your existence. You aren’t just here by happenstance. God has created each one of us for a specific purpose. We, as members of the body of Christ, have a spiritual assignment. We’re on a mission. Our purpose is to accomplish that assignment. Many people don’t fulfill their purpose because they don’t know their assignment. 

God gives assignments according to the ability he has given you. He also places a passion in you for whatever your assignment is and gives you direction. “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” Proverbs 19:9

Your purpose is never going to be anything that’s too hard for you to accomplish. You may need some resources and help, but if you begin to work on your assignment, God will supply you with everything you need to complete the assignment and fulfill your purpose.

The parents you have or had, the family you grew up in, the neighborhoods, the schools, the church or churches you’ve belonged to, the experiences you’ve had, and the people you’ve met, all tie in with your purpose for being here. These experiences have helped prepare you for your assignment.

Now, some people are very clear regarding their purpose and their assignment and some aren’t. We certainly don’t have the same assignment, but each assignment is important. If you’re not sure of your assignment and you’re wondering exactly what is your purpose in life, the scripture says “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8 Ask the one that created you, the one that sent you on this mission, the assignment giver who is GOD because your life certainly does have a purpose.


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Is Breakfast Really Important?

Hello Balanced Life Family,

Are you one of those people who feel that breakfast really isn’t that important? Do you often skip breakfast? Well, if you do, you need to stop that. Yes, breakfast really is important and what you choose to eat for breakfast is even more important.

The name breakfast means the breaking of the fast. You’ve fasted all night long while you were sleeping and whatever you decide to eat in the morning is what breaks the fast and is called breakfast.

Since you’ve been fasting all night, you should be particular about what you decide to eat first. You have the day ahead of you with things to do. You want to feel good and function well, so be sure to choose something that’ll be nutritious and fuel your body for the morning. Our bodies use a lot of energy for growth and repair during the night. Eating a good breakfast helps to restore that energy.

Skipping breakfast won’t help you to lose weight. You’ll usually make up for it by making unhealthy food choices during the day. When you eat a good breakfast, it helps to maintain good health and reduce your junk food cravings throughout the day.  It also helps to set your morning mood. A hungry person can be a cranky person.

If you’re wondering what a nutritious breakfast consists of, according to Healthline reports, your breakfast should have at least one food that is high in protein, another that is high in fiber, and at least one fruit or veggie. If you choose foods that you like that fit into these categories for breakfast you can feel confident that you are getting the vitamins and nutrients you need to start your day as you break your fast. Don’t skip breakfast! It really is important.

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The Final Say

Dear Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever received a bad report from a doctor, sad news regarding a loved one, frightening news from a bill collector, or bad news regarding your job? Life is filled with unexpected events and many of them aren’t good. God never promised us that they’d all be good. But the good news is that God has the final say.

Just because you went to the doctor, he examined you, ran some tests, and found out you had a serious condition, and he gave you a bad report, you don’t have to panic.

Maybe you’ve received some bad news about a loved one who has experienced an unexpected misfortune. Maybe they got shot, kidnapped, carjacked, or something else. We hear about these things happening to people all the time, but when it happens to someone close to you, it’s alarming, but all is not lost.

It could be that you just don’t have the money to do the things you need to do. You may have tried to budget and borrow but you still can’t seem to make ends meet. Bill collectors are calling or your landlord has given you an eviction notice. Calm down!

What if your boss informs you that they’re about to let you go? Your job has been your livelihood. How are you going to make it? Well, before you have an anxiety attack remember who you are and whose you are. You are a child of the King. You belong to God.

Whenever trouble arises talk to God and be comforted in knowing that God is in control. Jesus said. “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) He also said, “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) Remember before you panic or have an anxiety attack, calm down, this isn’t the end because GOD has the final say.


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