Can Social Media Become Addictive?

Balanced Life Family,

Did you know that social media is addictive both physically and psychologically? When you are overly concerned about social media and have an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, that’s a problem. If you spend so much time and effort on social media that it hinders other important aspects of your life, you have an addiction.

It's safe to say that checking and scrolling through social media has become a very popular activity. Some people may even feel withdrawal symptoms when they don’t check social media platforms. This addiction is common among adolescents and young people. Although the majority of people who use social media don’t have this problem, there is a small percentage of users who become addicted.

Social media is designed in such a way that it activates feel-good chemicals in the brain. This was intentionally done according to an article from the Harvard Business Review. These neurochemicals like dopamine are triggered and can be deeply addictive just like addiction to recreational drugs and gambling.

Many people use social media with no problem, but there are those who become addicted. The good news is that this condition is very treatable and many have recovered from the addiction. Reducing screen time is a great solution, however, if the addiction is too severe professional help may be required.

Social media can be a very helpful and productive tool, just be sure that you don’t let it take over your life.


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