Why Do I Always Feel Hungry?

Are you someone who seems to feel hungry all the time? Do you find yourself gazing into the refrigerator or the pantry just wondering what you can eat? Well, if you are there’s a reason for that.

One reason may be that you don’t eat enough protein and fiber-rich foods. Carbohydrates will provide quick energy, but protein and fiber help you sustain that energy. They fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied.

Some of you feel hungry because you do distracted eating. When you eat, you should sit down and pay attention to what you’re eating. Make it an enjoyable experience. You shouldn’t be staring at the TV, reading, or doing something on your phone. Distracted eating will cause you to finish your food and hardly remember eating it, which may cause you to soon crave more.

Then there are those who simply eat too fast. Slow down! Eating too fast makes you feel like the meal is over too soon, and then you want more. Did you know that it takes about twenty minutes for the brain to send out signals that the stomach is satisfied? Most people’s meals don’t even last that long!

There’s another group called the “Stress Eaters”. Stress Eaters aren’t eating because they’re hungry. They eat because they are upset, nervous, worried, excited, afraid, or because of some other emotional reason. All of these emotions cause stress and can cause you to eat when you aren’t really hungry.

Did you know that sleep plays a significant role in regulating hormones which can affect your eating habits? There is a hormone called ghrelin, (known as the “hunger hormone”) which stimulates the appetite and makes you feel hungry. When you don’t get enough sleep, elevated levels of ghrelin are released. This causes you to crave food, especially sugary foods.

So, you see, there are many reasons why some people always feel hungry. If you identify with any of these scenarios, I want you to know that it’s not just in your head. There is a reason for it and now maybe you know how to control it. If this doesn’t apply to you maybe you know someone who could benefit from this information. Please feel free to share.


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