
Greetings Balance Life Family,

So many of us find ourselves saying, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done”. Remember the Bible story of Mary and Martha. Maratha was busy working, while Mary sat and listened to what Jesus had to say. Jesus said, “Mary has chosen that good part” Luke 10:42

To have a good relationship with God and grow strong in the spirit, we must spend time with God. But somehow many of us get too busy. Being too busy can damage our relationships with God.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? You decide that tomorrow you’ll spend some quality time with God. You wake up the next day with so much to do. You have school or a job to go to, errands to run, meals to prepare, housework to get done, children and spouses to care for, meetings to attend and so many other things to do, and before you know it the day is gone.

By the time you finish everything you had to do that day you’re too tired to give God some quality time, too tired to read the Word, and too sleepy to pray.

All of those other things to do were important, but nothing is more important than your relationship with God. You must prioritize your time with God. Were it not for God, you wouldn’t be able to do all of those other things. When you put God first your entire day goes so much better. He prepares you for the day. He’ll be your guide. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

Yes, so many of us have busy schedules, but being busy is not an excuse you’ll be able to use at the judgment bar. No excuses will stand. Incorporate time for God in every day of your life. It’s time well spent and it will enhance your day. Never get too busy to spend time with God.


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