Your Life Has Purpose

Dear Balanced Life Family,

There is a reason for your existence. You aren’t just here by happenstance. God has created each one of us for a specific purpose. We, as members of the body of Christ, have a spiritual assignment. We’re on a mission. Our purpose is to accomplish that assignment. Many people don’t fulfill their purpose because they don’t know their assignment. 

God gives assignments according to the ability he has given you. He also places a passion in you for whatever your assignment is and gives you direction. “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” Proverbs 19:9

Your purpose is never going to be anything that’s too hard for you to accomplish. You may need some resources and help, but if you begin to work on your assignment, God will supply you with everything you need to complete the assignment and fulfill your purpose.

The parents you have or had, the family you grew up in, the neighborhoods, the schools, the church or churches you’ve belonged to, the experiences you’ve had, and the people you’ve met, all tie in with your purpose for being here. These experiences have helped prepare you for your assignment.

Now, some people are very clear regarding their purpose and their assignment and some aren’t. We certainly don’t have the same assignment, but each assignment is important. If you’re not sure of your assignment and you’re wondering exactly what is your purpose in life, the scripture says “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8 Ask the one that created you, the one that sent you on this mission, the assignment giver who is GOD because your life certainly does have a purpose.


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